Terms and Conditions
Your personal information will not be sold or used outside of our organization.
Occasionally, Museum staff or local newspaper/television stations will film/photograph museum activities for advertising/publications. I give permission for inclusion in these photos and/or videos.
I certify that the person(s) I am registering is the required age and has my permission to take part in the MacNider Art Museum’s classes and activities.
I accept full responsibility for their behavior and their participation in the program(s). I hereby accept for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may incur against the City of Mason City and/or the MacNider Art Museum, its committees, agents, and representatives for any and all injuries suffered by my child at the MacNider Art Museum. In the case of our absence or unavailability, you are hereby authorized to perform or arrange for whatever treatment you may consider necessary.
All youth students must be picked up from class by an adult caregiver.
CLASS CREDIT REQUESTS will be honored if the request occurs at least 1 week prior to the first meeting of the class.